
Participants in a class sponsored by UConn's Connecticut Transportation Institute learn how to safely fell a tree. The tree was scheduled for removal by UConn Facilities. Photo by Chris LaRosa

<p>Members of the Connecticut Public Works Academy learn how to safely operate a chainsaw while felling a tree during a class sponsored by UConn’s Connecticut Transportation Institute. Ken Palmer, from ArborMaster Training in Willington, provides instruction to the class and is assisted by members of the UConn Facilities department. The failing tree was scheduled to be removed from the Depot Campus by UConn Facilities. Photo by Christopher LaRosa</p>
Members of the Connecticut Public Works Academy learn how to safely operate a chainsaw while felling a tree. Ken Palmer of ArborMaster Training in Willington provides instruction to the class, assisted by members of the UConn Facilities department. The class was sponsored by UConn’s Connecticut Transportation Institute, part of the School of Engineering. Photos by Christopher LaRosa
<p>CTI Public Works Academy, June 2, 2010. Longley Building, Depot Campus Storrs. Photo by Christopher LaRosa</p>
Participants in a class sponsored by the Connecticut Transportation Institute learn how to fell a tree safely. The failing tree was scheduled to be removed from the Depot Campus by UConn Facilities.