Nancy Bull, left, vice provost, Gary English, Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor, and Tom Haggerty, president of USG, at Convocation on Aug. 27. Photo by Peter Morenus
Nancy Bull, left, vice provost for academic administration, Gary English, board of trustees distinguished professor, and student representative, Tom Haggerty, president of the Undergraduate Student Government at the Convocation ceremony held at Gampel Pavilion. Photo by Peter MorenusNancy Bull, vice provost for academic administration speaks at the Convocation ceremony held at Gampel Pavilion. Photo by Peter MorenusPresident Philip Austin addresses students and their families during Convocation. Photo by Peter MorenusGary English, Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor of Dramatic Arts, gives the Convocation address. Photo by Peter MorenusPresident Philip Austin, center, applauds during the Convocation ceremony. At right is Lawrence McHugh, chairman of the Board of Trustees. Photo by Peter Morenus