Roads leading to center campus that have been torn asunder for several months will be open, if not completely repaired, before students return to campus Aug. 27, Brian Gore, interim director of architectural and engineering services, told UConn’s Board of Trustees on Aug. 10.
The realignment of the intersection of Mansfield Road and Rte. 195 has reached the point where traffic will be allowed to once again enter campus from that entrance by Aug. 24 – three days before about 3,250 freshmen descend on Storrs. The project also encompasses the installation of new storm drains, including several vortechs separators, which reduce sediment funneling in Mirror Lake. The job is nearly completed.
The intersection is being realigned and turning lanes added to the roads. New traffic lights will be installed and drainage is being improved during the $1.5 million project.
On North Eagleville Road, construction crews are installing a new 16” water main as well as large concrete vaults that will contain electrical and telecommunications conduits. Once the roadwork is completed, the project will turn toward the Towers residential community and pipes will be installed from Lakeside to connecting lines at the Towers complex. Both lanes of North Eagleville Road opened to traffic on Aug. 17.
Steam and condensate lines also are being installed along Glenbrook Road, which also will lead to detours.
Also during the summer:
A topping off ceremony marking the installation of the last piece of structural steel was held Aug. 6 at the site of the first building being constructed to replace the Arjona and Monteith buildings. The “West” building, being built at the site of the former pharmacy building on Fairfield Way, consists of 67,000-square-feet of classroom space and lecture halls. It is scheduled to be completed in late May 2011;
Site work will begin on the second new social sciences building, featuring more classrooms and offices, within the next few weeks. Groundbreaking at the site, located between Homer Babbidge Library and Hawley Armory, is expected this month, with completion anticipated in August 2012. Bids on the project came in nearly $3 million under budget;
New energy efficient windows have been installed throughout the graduate residence halls on Hillside Road;
Windows also have been replaced, and the bricks washed and repointed, at East Campus, comprising Whitney, Sprague and Holcomb;
The Gulley Hall foundation has been water proofed and repairs will be made on unsafe sidewalks in the area;
The installation of sprinkler systems at Northwood and Mansfield apartments – the last two residences on campus to receive new systems – was recently completed. During the summer both complexes also received new driveways, sidewalks, and parking areas. Northwood Apartments Complex paving included the construction of new rain gardens and environmentally friendly porous paving, which allows storm water to be recharged into the ground instead of being piped offsite;
Work between E.O. Smith High School and the fine arts building to install water lines will be completed before the academic year begins;
A new stairway and landscaping from Glenbrook Road to the side entrance of the Student Union has been completed, replacing the worn dirt pathway made by students climbing the hillside. New stairs also were installed in front of Jorgensen Auditorium and at the entrance to the Greer Fieldhouse.
Glenbrook Road includes detours that are the result of construction of new and upgraded steam and condensate lines that will run from the Central Utility Plant and serve the Infirmary, Storrs Hall, and the Wilbur Cross building.