Ground was broken Wednesday for the Nursing School’s new wing, which will help enable the School to expand its efforts to address the nursing shortage in the state. Photo by Peter Morenus
The groundbreaking for the Widmer Wing of the School of Nursing. From left, Lawrence McHugh, chair of the Board of Trustees; Chris Rago, president of the UConn Student Nurses Association; Eric Widmer, son of Carolyn Widmer; Gov. Dannel P. Malloy; Dean Anne Bavier; Michael Widmer, son of Carolyn Widmer; and Provost Peter Nicholls. Photos by Peter Morenus
A portrait of Carolyn Ladd Widmer, first dean of the School of Nursing, for whom the new wing will be named.Gov. Dannel P. Malloy speaks at the groundbreaking ceremony. The new Widmer Wing addition will play an important role in enabling the School of Nursing to expand its efforts to address the nursing and nursing faculty shortages and improve healthcare in the state.Lawrence McHugh, chair of the board of trustees, speaks at the ceremony. The 15,000-square-foot addition will have state-of-the-art simulation and clinical practice laboratories, a 175-seat case study room, and a 75-seat classroom. Renovations will also be made to Storrs Hall.Anne R. Bavier, dean of nursing, speaks at the groundbreaking. After the ceremony, there was a reception in Wilbur Cross where more than 30 displays representing the scholarship of students and faculty was featured, as well as detailed models of the addition.Eric Widmer, son of Carolyn Widmer, the first dean of the nursing school, addresses the audience.Michael Widmer, son of Carolyn Widmer for whom the new wing will be named, speaks at the groundbreaking.