The TV show Aqua Kids filmed episodes with several faculty from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences for its environmental theme. (George Stover/Adventure Productions)
Penny Vlahos, assistant professor of marine sciences, on board the Project Oceanology boat in Long Island Sound, shows Aqua Kids how to deploy samplers to collect organic chemicals in the water, part of a citizen-scientist environmental monitoring project that involves high school students around the nation. (George Stover/Adventure Productions)
Ecology and the environment were the topics when the Aqua Kids TV show filmed recently at the Avery Point campus in an episode that will air nationally this fall.
It was the second time in two years that the Aqua Kids filmed at Avery Point. The show airs throughout the US, Guam, and Puerto Rico and has an environmental education and conservation focus.
In Connecticut, it airs on Saturday mornings at 8:30 a.m. on WCTX in the Hartford and New Haven broadcast markets.
In a salt marsh in Stonington, Chris Elphick, associate professor of ecology and evolutionary biology, teaches the Aqua Kids about the nesting and migration habits of threatened species of sparrows that nest at the tide line. The group was lucky enough to find a nest with eggs. (George Stover/Adventure Productions)Charles Yarish, professor of ecology and evolutionary biology, an expert on seaweed, introduces Aqua Kids to his favorite topic. He collaborates with Bridgeport Regional Aquaculture Science and Technology Education Center in a project to culture seaweeds. (George Stover/Adventure Productions)