New Year’s Eve is a festive time that celebrates the end of a year gone by. It’s also a time to reflect on the events of the past year and to focus on changes we want (or need) to make in our lives. Many smokers make resolutions during the New Year’s holiday to quit smoking. For some, this is the first time they’ve tried to quit; for others, they may have tried before. Regardless, this may be the most important resolution a smoker can make.
You Can Quit
Quitting smoking can be challenging and may require multiple attempts. But you can quit, and it’s important to keep trying. To help smokers keep their resolutions, a smoking cessation program with the backing of the American Lung Association returns to the UConn Health Center this winter with two sessions.
“Freedom From Smoking” is a seven-week program that prepares smokers to quit, provides proven techniques, and offers personalized support. Session 1 meets Mondays starting Jan. 7. Session 2 meets Tuesdays starting Jan. 22. Both sessions are held from 6 to 8 p.m., and are held in the Arnold Katz, M.D. Educational Conference Room, at the Farmington campus.

Nurse practitioner Diahann Wilcox, who will facilitate the Monday class, brought “Freedom From Smoking” to the UConn Health Center in January 2012. Thirteen people have successfully completed the program.
“Participants receive personalized attention and the support of their peers, which they would not get trying to quit on their own. And since no single cessation technique works for everyone, the program provides each participant with a toolbox of smoking cessation information,” says Wilcox. To meet the needs of different learning styles, each session includes lectures, group discussions and skills practice.
The first three sessions prepare individuals to quit. The fourth session or “quit day” affirms each individual’s commitment to quit smoking. The remaining sessions focus on continued reinforcement, support and tools to manage “recovery symptoms.”
Research shows that people who develop a support system and use programs like Freedom From Smoking® have greater success in quitting for good, compared to those who try to quit on their own. “Quitting smoking is one of the best ways individuals can improve their overall health and this program will provide them with the skills and support they need to stay smoke-free,” adds Wilcox.
“Freedom From Smoking” provides a tool box of smoking cessation techniques with personalized support. It meets once a week over seven weeks. The $50 registration fee is refundable after successful completion of the program. Call 800-535-6232 to register or for more information.
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