Orange Crush Travels — Win a UConn Coop Gift Certificate!

Send us photos of yourself or your friends proudly wearing your new orange engineering t-shirt in unlikely, exotic or unexpected locations.Touring the Great Wall, visiting the Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart or climbing Mt. Washington in your “orange crush” shirt? Show your UConn Engineering spirit. Please clearly identify the wearer(s) and send shots your mother would […]

Send us photos of yourself or your friends proudly wearing your new orange engineering t-shirt in unlikely, exotic or unexpected locations.Touring the Great Wall, visiting the Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart or climbing Mt. Washington in your “orange crush” shirt? Show your UConn Engineering spirit. Please clearly identify the wearer(s) and send shots your mother would approve of.

In late November and April we’ll survey how many “likes” each photo has and select the top five (5) shots/semester. Winners will receive a UConn Co-op Bookstore gift certificate.

Please email your photos to to ensure that we receive them!