UConn’s student-athletes are often lauded for their on-field achievements, but there’s an equally important – often unseen – dimension to the student-athlete. UConn Today is publishing a series of profiles to highlight the academic prowess of these student-athletes. Follow along as we profile two athletes each month, and provide an inside look at the academic pursuits of these high-achieving student-athletes.

Emily Armstrong ’16 (ED)
Hometown and high school: Collegeville, Penn., the Perkiomen Valley High School
Sport: Women’s Soccer, goalkeeper
Area of study: Neag School of Education, Integrated Bachelor’s and Master’s Program in Teacher Education, Elementary Education with a focus in math
Anticipated graduation: 2016, Bachelor of Science; 2017, Master of Arts
What’s your favorite class? Teaching Math in Elementary Schools is my favorite class this semester. Since elementary school, I have always enjoyed working with numbers in math class. Now, I have an opportunity to share those positive experiences with my future students.
How do you balance the demands of your sport as well as a full class load? My agenda is my best friend. As soon as I get my syllabus on the first day of class, I write down every assignment and test. This type of organization helps keep me on track, which is important when juggling academics and athletics – particularly in season.
Describe someone you’ve met here who has already impacted your future. Transferring to UConn in the spring of my freshman year was not easy. I remember walking around during my orientation and getting lost on this big campus in below-freezing temperatures. I wasn’t sure what to think about this new school. My academic advisor, Jim Hill, helped me find my way by focusing my attention on my goals – both academically and athletically. He helped me stay organized and meet all of the requirements necessary to apply to the Neag School of Education. When I felt stressed, he listened to me and gave me advice that helped boost my confidence. Mr. Hill made an immediate impact by helping me realize my goals. Now I am on track to completing the Integrated Bachelor’s/Master’s Program at one of the top schools of education in the country.
What does it mean to you to be a Husky? It means being proud of where you come from and what you represent. Setting goals for yourself and moving closer to those goals every day. It means taking the competitive edge acquired on the field and bringing it into the classroom. Going outside your comfort zone and getting better every day.
Where are you headed after graduation? After graduation in the spring, I’ll be back next year to pursue my master’s degree in elementary education. After that, I’ll either continue playing soccer or begin my teaching career.