Three SSW Faculty Receive Scholarship Facilitation Fund Grants

The UConn Vice President for Research awarded three Scholarship Facilitation Fund (SFF) grants to School of Social Work faculty for the spring 2016 semester. The grants will facilitate the growth of extramural research and increase scholarly publications produced by faculty. This builds on the School’s success in receiving these awards. In 2015, the VPR awarded grants […]

Dr. Ann Marie Garran

The UConn Vice President for Research awarded three Scholarship Facilitation Fund (SFF) grants to School of Social Work faculty for the spring 2016 semester. The grants will facilitate the growth of extramural research and increase scholarly publications produced by faculty. This builds on the School’s success in receiving these awards. In 2015, the VPR awarded grants to Drs. Michael Fendrich, Rebecca Thomas, and Cristina Wilson.

2016 Awards:

Ann Marie Garran, STEM, Institutional Bias, and Retention of Women of Color in Higher Education

Michael Fendrich, From Mass Incarceration to Smart Decarceration: Towards a Collaborative Research Agenda @UConn

Rebecca Thomas, Migration, Employment and Remittances to Armenia

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Dr. Michael Fendrich
Dr. Rebecca Thomas
Dr. Ann Marie Garran