Suzanne Rose, M.D., MSEd, AGAF of UConn School of Medicine is the recipient of the American Gastroenterological Association’s 2016 AGA Distinguished Educator Award.
She is honored in recognition of her outstanding contributions as an educator in gastroenterology on both local and national levels over her lifelong career.
“I am so honored to receive this award,” said Rose, who serves as senior associate dean for education and chief academic officer for education at UConn School of Medicine. “I am very humbled, grateful and honored to be awarded for my career achievements and contributions to the field of gastroenterology, especially for the important education of our medical students and future doctors.”

Rose is a unique leader in gastroenterology education who has achieved unparalleled milestones at the local, regional and national level. She is a valued consultant for a variety of medical organizations and academic institutions, serving her colleagues and community with fresh ideas that are complemented by her impeccable organizational skills and ability to create, synthesize and actualize programs that are highly impactful. Rose’s record of accomplishments, clarity of thought and inspirational demeanor have put her at the forefront of education and training.
Her combined academic career in both education and medicine has enabled her to become a distinguished leader in medical education. Her brilliance as an educator, dynamic teaching style, superb creative energy and warm collegiality help show her colleagues how much fun learning can be.
She started her academic career on the faculty at the University of Pittsburgh where she ran the second-year gastroenterology course. Rose demonstrated her academic expertise at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City as director of motility and the second-year pathophysiology course. She played leadership roles in the gastroenterology fellowship programs at both of these institutions. Next, Rose served for thirteen years at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City in various leadership capacities, such as associate dean for academic and student affairs and continuing medical education.
Over and above her responsibilities as a committed educator within academia, Rose demonstrates equal dedication to the various societies and organizations to which she volunteers. Her contributions to AGA and the community overall are innumerable and invaluable. She is currently completing her term as the Education and Training Councillor on the AGA Governing Board. She has also served as the chair of the AGA Education Committee. In understanding educational principles in adult learning and the breadth of educational tenets, she implements appropriate educational programs, with rationale behind their structure, that continue to prove successful. Rose is currently working on the AGA Future Leaders Program and established the AGA Academy of Educators as the “home” for educators within AGA, where they can share creative work and educational solutions.
Rose has also been an important and frequent contributor to Association of American Medical Colleges plenary sessions, symposia and forums for ACG, American College of Physicians and the National Forum on Women’s Issues in Gastroenterology and Hepatology. Recently, she convened all six gastroenterology societies to create end-of-training Entrustable Professional Activities for gastroenterology fellowship training, which was published with Rose as the lead author. This year, in turning her attention to Maintenance of Certification (MOC), Rose helped organize a task force to recommend changes in MOC that would better reflect current gastroenterology practice.
Rose completed her undergraduate education in Russian Language and Literature and received her Master in Education at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. She attended Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland for medical school, rounding out her postdoctoral training at CWRU University Hospitals (internship and residency) and the Cleveland Clinic Foundation (fellowship in gastroenterology).