The research of Drs. Linda Frisman and Hsiu-Ju Lin, and eight other colleagues, is the focus of an Atlantic Monthly article, The Gun Law Saving Lives in Connecticut.

In 1999, Connecticut became the first state to pass a law authorizing police to temporarily remove guns from individuals when there is probable cause they pose a significant risk of harm to others or self.
The research is based on the article, “Implementation and Effectiveness of Connecticut’s Risk-Based Gun Removal Law: Does It Prevent Suicides?” forthcoming in Law and Contemporary Problems. The research study examined the characteristics, implementation, and outcomes of gun removals conducted in Connecticut during the period 1999-2013. This article will inform other states that are considering the adoption of similar gun-seizure laws.
Andrea Duarte, LCSW, MPH, Behavioral Health Program Manager for the DMHAS Prevention & Health Promotion Unit, was instrumental in providing the suicide data that was used for comparison. Andrea is also a frequent field instructor for School of Social Work master’s students.