Despite losing both of her legs due to complications from a rare skin condition, Marybell Lugardo dreams of someday dancing on the beach with her grandchildren. After years of mainly relying on a wheelchair, Marybell recently received two computerized, prosthetic legs. But learning how to use them has been a challenge. Now thanks to physical therapist Carol Mierzwa and advanced equipment used at UConn Health’s Rehabilitation Services Department, Marybell is a step closer to realizing her dream.
A Step Closer to Dancing Again Thanks to UConn Health Rehab Services
After years of mainly relying on a wheelchair, Marybell Lugardo recently received two computerized, prosthetic legs. Thanks to UConn Health’s Rehabilitation Services Department, Marybell is a step closer to realizing her dream of dancing again.

Bilateral amputee Marybell Lugardo hugs UConn Health physical therapist Carol Mierzwa after a session learning how to use her new computerized prosthetic legs. (Photo by Ethan Giorgetti)