Love and Exercise Go Together for Long-Time Powerful Aging Participants

Lorry and Marty Clayman have been married 58 years and have been participating in the Powerful Aging program at UConn Health for nearly 18 years. The couple credits the program with helping them lead a heart healthy lifestyle. That’s where we caught up with the couple and asked them what their secret is to a long and happy marriage.

Lorry and Marty Clayman have been participating in the Powerful Aging program at UConn Health for nearly 18 y ears. (Photo by Ethan Giorgetti)

Lorry and Marty Clayman have been participating in the Powerful Aging program at UConn Health for nearly 18 y ears. (Photo by Ethan Giorgetti)

As we celebrate Valentine’s Day, you may appreciate the sage advice of Lorry and Marty Clayman of West Hartford who’ve been married 58 years. They met when they were in elementary school and they’ve been pretty much inseparable ever since. They’ve both been participating in the Powerful Aging program at UConn Health for 18 years. The couple credits the program with helping them lead a heart healthy lifestyle. That’s where we caught up with the couple and asked them what their secret is to a long and happy marriage.