She’d been suffering for months but front line treatments prescribed by her Ob/Gyn didn’t help. So Kim DeGumbia turned to Dr. Danielle Luciano at UConn Health, a Center of Excellence in Minimally Invasive Gynecology. Thanks to Dr. Luciano’s expertise, Kim was able to avoid major open surgery and was back to her normal routine within a few days. Watch the video to learn more about the benefits of minimally invasive surgery.
Patient ‘Feels Like New Woman’ After Minimally Invasive Procedure
She’d been suffering for months but the usual treatments didn’t help. So Kim DeGumbia turned to Dr. Danielle Luciano at UConn Health, a Center of Excellence in Minimally Invasive Gynecology. Now Kim is feeling great and back to her normal routine. Watch the video to learn more about the benefits of minimally invasive surgery.

Kim DeGumbia talks with Dr. Danielle Luciano about the minimally invasive procedure she underwent at UConn Health. (Photo by Frank Barton)