25th Annual PILG Auction Raises Money and Spirits

High-spirited bidding contests erupted over a go-cart outing with Assistant Dean Karen DeMeola, UConn women’s basketball tickets and a week of parking in Dean Timothy Fisher’s space, along with a host of other items at the 25th annual Public Interest Law Group Auction. The live and silent auction on Nov. 10, 2017, packed the Reading […]

University of Connecticut School of Law Public Interest Law Group Auction

High-spirited bidding contests erupted over a go-cart outing with Assistant Dean Karen DeMeola, UConn women’s basketball tickets and a week of parking in Dean Timothy Fisher’s space, along with a host of other items at the 25th annual Public Interest Law Group Auction.

The live and silent auction on Nov. 10, 2017, packed the Reading Room in William F. Starr Hall with an enthusiastic crowd of approximately 300 students, faculty, staff, alumni, neighbors and friends looking for a way to support a cause of great significance to the UConn Law community. The auction, together with other fundraising efforts by the Public Interest Law Group this year, raised more than $25,000 to support fellowships for UConn Law students working in the public interest.

“It was thrilling to see the energy and excitement in the room,” said Abby Marchinkoski ’19, a member of the Public Interest Law Group board. “The money we raised will give students the financial freedom to pursue their dreams and provide critical legal services to communities that have been historically underrepresented.”

The highest bids were for a BARBRI Bar Review course, a ski weekend in New Hampshire donated by Professor Jennifer Mailly, and a spring cleanup by the UConn Law Soccer Club. Other high bids were for a Themis Bar Review course, a brunch for eight students with Professor Thomas Morawetz, and a brunch for six students with Professors Alexandra Lahav and Molly Land.

Other donated items included restaurant gift certificates, sports memorabilia, an engraved marble box donated by U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy ’02, a visit from Santa Claus and multiple social outings with faculty members. The items were donated by students, faculty, staff, local merchants and other friends of the law school.

The auctioneer, Ron Gyllenhammer, once again donated his services for the evening, eliciting bids with rapid-fire patter and urging competing bidders to “show ‘em who’s boss.” Nicholas Smarra ’18 and Geraldine Macaisa ’19 served as emcees with occasional assists from Fisher.

Anastasiya Collins ’19, Nathan Kraner ’19 and Jessica Seidman ’19, were the auction chairs. They were assisted by Public Interest Law Group board members Marchinkoski, Onya Brown ’19, Anthony El-Hachem ’18, Uriel Lloyd ’18, Rachel Catanese ’20 and Jeffrey Frank ’20.

See more photographs of the event on Flickr.