Brian Aneskievich and Kevin Chamberlin have been selected as recipients of the Dean Robert L. McCarthy Faculty Service Award. This award is presented annually to a member or members of the School of Pharmacy, full-time faculty member who are recognized as having provided outstanding service to their department, the school, the university, the profession, the scientific community, and/or the public at-large.
Both Brian and Kevin’s contributions are exemplary.
Kevin serves as assistant department head, a member of the departmental Promotion, Tenure, and Reappointment Committee, a member of the school’s Academic and Technical Standards Committee, a member of the Young Alumni Steering Committee, and as the chair of the Interprofessional Education Committee. At the University level he is a member of the Academic Integrity Hearing Board. At his practice site, he is the Pharmacy Residency Program Director and chair of the Residency Advisory Committee. He has an adjunct appointment in the UConn School of Medicine. At the state level, he is the Vice-Chair of the Medical Assistance Program (Medicaid) Pharmaceutical and Therapeutics (P& T) Committee. He also serves on the CPA Bioterrorism Clinical Advisory Team, and is a longtime member of the CT American Society of Consultant Pharmacists’ Senior Symposium Planning Committee and their Communications Committee. In addition, he also serves on the Editorial Board of the International Journal of General Medicine and as a peer reviewer for multiple journals. He was also appointed to the 2016 American College of Clinical Pharmacy’s (ACCP) Education Committee.

Brian serves as the School of Pharmacy’s Honors Advisor, chairs the Honors & Professional Student Research Committee, the Pharm.D. Graduation Awards & Prizes Committee, and is the school’s representative to the University Senate and member of its Scholastic Standards Committee. At the University level, he served on the UConn Institutional Biosafety Committee (2011 – 2017), Recombinant & Synthetic Nucleic Acid Committee (2011 – 2017), the Research Enhancement Program grant review (2016 – 2017), and Honors Program Development Task Force (2016 & 2017). He currently serves on the UConn Honors Board of Associate Directors and the search committee for the assistant director of Honors Residential Communities.
Both recipients will receive their awards during graduation weekend.