BME Senior Design Project on WTNH News 8

Senior biomedical engineering majors Mitchell DuBuc, James Welch, and Alex Draper, under the advisement of Professor Krystyna Gielo-Perczak, put a new type of wheelchair wheel to the test which uses a pull rather than a push system. Story by Jocelyn Maminta of WTNH.

The Charles B. Gentry Building as seen from the sundial.

(Sean Flynn/UConn Photo)

Senior biomedical engineering majors Mitchell DuBuc, James Welch, and Alex Draper, under the advisement of Professor Krystyna Gielo-Perczak, are putting a new type of wheelchair wheel to the test. Rowheels and Numotion, two companies which design wheelchair wheels with a pull system, have passed laboratory tests and applications, but this Senior Design team is testing these wheels in real-life applications.