Students from the Spring Valley Student Farm, an off-campus residence where students grow vegetables for Dining Services and learn valuable agricultural techniques, distribute marigolds in recycled newspaper pots. (Lucas Voghell ’20 (CLAS)/UConn Photo)
Students from the Spring Valley Student Farm, an off-campus residence where students grow vegetables for Dining Services and learn valuable agricultural techniques, distribute marigolds in recycled newspaper pots. (Lucas Voghell ’20 (CLAS)/UConn Photo)

Crowds gathered during the middle of the day to visit booths for eco-friendly shopping and get acquainted with various green clubs on campus. (Lucas Voghell ’20 (CLAS)/UConn Photo)
Crowds gathered during the middle of the day to visit booths for eco-friendly shopping and get acquainted with various green clubs on campus. (Lucas Voghell ’20 (CLAS)/UConn Photo)

Students gather around to enjoy food prepared by Dining Services specially for the Spring Fling event on April 16. (Lucas Voghell ’20 (CLAS)/UConn Photo)
Students gather around to enjoy food prepared by Dining Services specially for the Spring Fling event on April 16. (Lucas Voghell ’20 (CLAS)/UConn Photo)

With Arbor Day just days away (April 26), Dining Services prepared more than 3,000 tree cupcakes for students to enjoy at no charge. (Lucas Voghell ’20 (CLAS)/UConn Photo)
With Arbor Day just days away (April 26), Dining Services prepared more than 3,000 tree cupcakes for students to enjoy at no charge. (Lucas Voghell ’20 (CLAS)/UConn Photo)

Ryan Cortier, a recent engineering grad, left, and Sophie MacDonald ’20 (ENG) promote the concept of a new club, where students could bring anything from furniture to iPhones and learn to fix it themselves. The new club would be called the UConn Repair Café. (Lucas Voghell ’20 (CLAS)/UConn Photo)
Ryan Cortier, a recent engineering grad, left, and Sophie MacDonald ’20 (ENG) promote the concept of a new club, where students could bring anything from furniture to iPhones and learn to fix it themselves. The new club would be called the UConn Repair Café. (Lucas Voghell ’20 (CLAS)/UConn Photo)

Natalie Majewski ’19 (CAHNR), left, and Sarah Ammirato ’20 (CAHNR) represent uconnextension, which encourages students to conserve energy and promotes green living. (Lucas Voghell ’20 (CLAS)/UConn Photo)
Natalie Majewski ’19 (CAHNR), left, and Sarah Ammirato ’20 (CAHNR) represent uconnextension, which encourages students to conserve energy and promotes green living. (Lucas Voghell ’20 (CLAS)/UConn Photo)

Craig Peters of the Clean Cities of Connecticut organization talks to students about the environmental benefits of electric cars. (Lucas Voghell ’20 (CLAS)/UConn Photo)
Craig Peters of the Clean Cities of Connecticut organization talks to students about the environmental benefits of electric cars. (Lucas Voghell ’20 (CLAS)/UConn Photo)

Doug Feeney, a fisherman representing Red’s Best, poses with two dogfish – fish that are commonly served in the dining halls on campus. Red’s Best is a locally owned fishery that partners with UConn for sustainable seafood. (Lucas Voghell ’20 (CLAS)/UConn Photo)
Doug Feeney, a fisherman representing Red’s Best, poses with two dogfish – fish that are commonly served in the dining halls on campus. Red’s Best is a locally owned fishery that partners with UConn for sustainable seafood. (Lucas Voghell ’20 (CLAS)/UConn Photo)

Jill Boulrice, owner of Soaps for Days, uses flowers she grows herself as one of the ingredients in her eco-friendly soaps. (Lucas Voghell ’20 (CLAS)/UConn Photo)
Jill Boulrice, owner of Soaps for Days, uses flowers she grows herself as one of the ingredients in her eco-friendly soaps. (Lucas Voghell ’20 (CLAS)/UConn Photo)
Spring is in the air, and thoughts are turning to the environment. On April 16, the Spring Fling festival on Fairfield Way featured organic and local food, eco-friendly vendors, green companies, and student groups in a celebration of sustainability.
The event, which is held each year close to Earth Day, was co-sponsored by UConn’s Office of Environmental Policy, the Department of Dining Services, and the EcoHusky Student Group.