Nick Kavadas, a 2019 graduate of the Landscape Architecture program, works as a landscape designer for Milone and MacBroom, a civil engineering and landscape architecture firm. Read about how his academics at UConn prepared him for a career in landscape architecture.
What was your major in the College? When did you graduate? With what degree?
My major at UConn was landscape architecture in the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources. I graduated in May 2019 with a Bachelor of Science in landscape architecture.
What CAHNR class was most useful to you?
The design classes within the Landscape Architecture program were the most beneficial courses for me and my development as a student. I was taught how to incorporate all of the skills that I had been learning and apply them to making better designs. The class that I found most beneficial to me was the model making design class. I learned how to design using 3D skills instead of 2D pen to paper, which helped me learn different ways of designing spaces.
Tell us about your favorite project as an undergraduate.
We did a project in our model making design class that changed my whole outlook on design and how I approached the rest of my designs. The purpose of the project was to create a “place within a space.” It taught me to look at creating spaces in a whole new way, as well as give purpose to the areas we designed. The course was taught by Peter Miniutti, and he was the one that really taught my class how to design and create powerful and meaningful spaces. This was really the course I enjoyed most while studying landscape architecture. It allowed the class to design in 3D and visualize spaces in a whole new way. Building a model in 3D is a lot different from drawing in 2D. You discover new opportunities and constraints that you may not have otherwise seen while designing in 2D.
Please describe your current job.
Currently, I work at Milone and MacBroom Inc. As a landscape designer, I do many different tasks, including hand designing plans, CAD work, Sketchup model making and using different programs such as Lumion and Photoshop to render various plans and models. Other tasks include grading plans, plant palettes and collaboration.
Are you doing what you imagined you would be doing at this point in your life?
Yes, I am doing what I imagined I would be doing at this point in my life.

Do you have advice for current students that will help them in the future?
Don’t be afraid to reach out to professionals in the field. They are more than willing to give advice and help in any way they can. Even if they can not personally help, they may have a connection to someone who can help.
How has work changed since COVID-19?
Not much has changed. I am still equally as busy working on projects and I am still full time. The biggest change is that we are all working from home. The first few days were an adjustment, figuring out how to use Microsoft teams, Skype and Zoom. Now it seems to be a part of the routine.
The only downfall to not going to work is that I can’t simply get up and go ask my boss a question. Now we FaceTime in order to show what we are talking about. Other than that, work continues as normal!
Is there anything else you would like us to know about you?
I love going for hikes, skiing and snowmobiling.