Meet graduate student Brandon Smith

Initially, Brandon Smith considered a career in accounting, but after living with a veterinarian during a mission trip, he found himself drawn to animal science. He’s interested in improving animal health by reducing the number of infectious diseases that economically affect farmers and influence product quality. And while he appreciates life in the east, he […]

Brandon Smith

Brandon Smith

Initially, Brandon Smith considered a career in accounting, but after living with a veterinarian during a mission trip, he found himself drawn to animal science. He’s interested in improving animal health by reducing the number of infectious diseases that economically affect farmers and influence product quality. And while he appreciates life in the east, he sees himself returning one day to his home state of Utah. Here’s what he had to say about his experience at UConn.   

Where did you study as an undergraduate?What was your major?

I attended Utah State University, and my degree was in animal, dairy and veterinary science with a minor in biology and chemistry. 

Why did you decide to go to graduate school?

I’ve always had an inquisitive mind and have been interested in how biological systems work together. So, while I was an undergraduate, I joined a research laboratory studying antivirals and I loved it and I wanted to continue researching and learning.  

Who is your advisor?What is your field of research?

My advisor is Dr. Kristen Govoni. I study animal growth and physiology, emphasizing the effects of maternal nutrition on fetal development. 

Name one aspect of your work that you like.

I enjoy researching and learning how a system or tissue works or changes when certain conditions occur and evaluating how mom’s diet influences growth of the offspring. I like working with those animals and even more so, I enjoy evaluating what is happening in liver and muscle tissue function of offspring as a result of the mom’s diet and health and environmental influences. 

In your opinion, what is your greatest accomplishment so far?

My greatest accomplishment so far is presenting my research at national and regional conferences and placing in the top three in a poster competition, as well as passing my general exams and proposal defense. 

When do you expect to get your degree? What then?

I plan to graduate in spring 2021. My hope is to get into the pharmaceutical industry in research and development or other biotechnology industries. I hope to be involved in the development of products that can be used to make someone’s life better.  

Is there anything else you would like us to know about you?

My favorite ice cream flavor is cookies and cream.

This interview originally appeared on Naturally@UConn.