On Saturday, November 13th, the International College of Dentists (USA Section) welcomed new fellows during its virtual convocation ceremony. Fellowship in the College is extended by invitation only and nominated dentists must pass a rigorous, peer-reviewed process leading to the recognition of the individuals’ “outstanding professional achievement, meritorious service, and dedication of the continued progress of dentistry for the benefit of humankind.”

Three faculty in the UConn School of Dental Medicine are members of the 2021 Fellowship Class: Ron Albert, clinical assistant professor in the Division of General Dentistry; Ellen Eisenberg, professor in the Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Diagnostic Sciences; and Steven Lepowsky, professor and dean of the School of Dental Medicine.

The other individuals receiving the fellowship award from Connecticut also have UConn connections. Dr. Mimi DeLessio-Matta is a 1993 alumnus of the School of Dental Medicine, and Dr. Steven Ureles is a volunteer faculty member in the Division of Pediatric Dentistry.