In Memoriam Anthony P. Simonelli

The School of Pharmacy Remembers Professor Emeritus, Dr. Anthony Peter Simonelli

Dr. Anthony Peter “Tony” Simonelli (’55) served in the army during World War II and after the war, he entered college on the GI Bill. Simonelli obtained summa cum laude honors for a BS in Chemistry and a BS in Pharmacy from the University of Connecticut. He continued his education and earned his PhD in pharmaceutics at the University of Wisconsin. He then went on to work at Virginia Commonwealth University, the University of Michigan, and Long Island University. He also worked as a professor at UConn until 1989 and remained professor emeritus until his death.

One of Simonelli’s significant research achievements was the utilization of the skin as a permeable membrane to administer drugs into the bloodstream, a method now employed in various medicinal patches. He also had been listed as a noteworthy medical education administrator by Marquis Who’s Who. Over five decades, Simonelli collaborated with numerous graduate students, many of whom have since pursued careers in the pharmaceutical industry and academia globally.

“Tony’s work in the field of pharmaceutics was exceptional,” says School of Pharmacy dean, Phil Hritcko, “His research created a long-lasting impact here at the school.”

Read Tony’s full obituary