Exploring Career Pathways and Leadership Opportunities in Nursing

UConn School of Nursing Hosts State of Connecticut Executives.

Nursing State CT Representatives visit School of Nursing.

Left to Right: Fatmata Williams (Department of Social Services), Lakisha Hyatt (Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services), Gloria Jones (Department of Developmental Services), Barbara Cass (Department of Public Health), Sarah De Los Cientos (Department of Veterans Affairs), and Michael Nicholson (Department of Correction)

To prepare senior nursing students for the professional world post-graduation, the UConn School of Nursing recently hosted executives from various departments within the State of Connecticut. The event aimed to provide insights into alternative career pathways for nursing graduates and to inspire the next generation of nursing leaders. Senior Nursing Student Zaheer Turtem captured the sentiment, expressing, “There are a lot of students who are a bit shaky on what they are doing post-grad and things are getting real very quickly. The Nursing Connecticut Executives that visited gave us a moment to take a breath and see what is possible.

Taught by Professor Laura Eiss, the students welcomed executives who shared invaluable perspectives on what constitutes effective leadership and the diverse opportunities available within the nursing profession. This event marked the second visit of these executives, reflecting a commitment to exposing students to non-traditional career pathways in nursing. Through sharing personal and professional anecdotes, the executives encouraged students to consider roles beyond the traditional hospital setting, illustrating the myriad ways nurses can positively impact communities.

The executives, stemming from various departments within the State of Connecticut, conveyed their enthusiasm for nurturing the next generation of nurses. This initiative is rooted in a broader workplace effort within the state, highlighting a collaborative approach towards fostering leadership and innovation in nursing. The students, in turn, responded positively to the engagement, appreciating the tangible insights provided by those who have walked similar paths.

Following the discussions, a meet and greet session facilitated networking opportunities for students to interact with the executives on a more personal level. Such interactions not only allowed students to glean further insights, but helped fostered connections that could prove instrumental in their future endeavors.

Dr. Tiffany Kelly’s presentation on nursing innovation served as a fitting conclusion to the event, emphasizing the importance of embracing creativity and adaptability in addressing contemporary healthcare challenges.

Nurses work in every aspect of health care and are crucial in delivering patient care and transforming systems locally and beyond” Dean Victoria Vaughan Dickson said”, “We are grateful to the State of Connecticut executives for sharing their perspectives and inspiring our students who are poised to become the future nurse leaders our state.

The presentation served as a catalyst for students to explore potential career paths and leadership opportunities within the State of Connecticut. By exposing them to diverse perspectives and fostering meaningful connections, the event empowered students to envision their roles as future leaders in nursing, equipped with the knowledge and inspiration to effect positive change in healthcare and beyond.