UConn People – June 26, 2024

If you would like to submit a passing, retirement, notable birthday, achievement or a family event of a UConn employee or retiree for consideration, please email to work@uconn.edu.


Lisa Black and Daniel Kearns, drivers from HuskyGo, recently participated at the Connecticut Statewide Transit Bus Roadeo. Kearns came in fourth overall for the 35-foot transit bus competition.

Todd Campbell, professor and head of the Neag School of Education’s Department of Curriculumn and Instruction, has been appointed to a three-year term on the National Science Foundation’s Directorate for STEM Education Advisory Committee.

Sobhan Katebifar, a research assistant at UConn Health, recently participated in the 2024 Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering and Biotransport Conference in Lake Geneva, Wisc., and was awarded first rank in the cover art contest.

Deputy Fire Chief Christopher Renshaw recently became just the 58th fire service leader in Connecticut to graduate from the Executive Fire Officer (EFO) program at the National Fire Academy in Emmitsburg, Maryland. Renshaw is the first member of the University of Connecticut Fire Department to complete this program while actively working for UCFD. The program is comprised of several residential courses at the National Fire Academy scattered over the span of two to four years, as well as a comprehensive Capstone Research Paper.

Maria Gordina, professor of mathematics, has been named a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. Gordina received the award for significant contributions to stochastic analysis and stochastic differential geometry, and for her service to the IMS. The honor is given to mathematicians who have exhibited exceptional mastery in statistical or probabilistic research or have showcased remarkable leadership that has left a lasting impact on the field.

Sandra Shumway, research professor emeritus of marine sciences in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, has been named a Fellow of the Marine Biological Association. The award is given to individuals who have made distinguished and long-term contributions to marine biology at the highest level, in areas that include research, policy, education, outreach, or professional and public service.

In Memorium

Sharon Barbero, 77, of Winchester, Conn., a former UConn Health employee with the Creative Child Center, on June 16.

Father Thaddeus Burch, 93, of Wauwautosa, Wis., a former physics professor from 1974-76, on May 14.

Roger Duncan, 82, a retired professor of philosophy at UConn Hartford, on May 18.

David Morris, 71, of Chaplin, Conn., a retired senior program analyst in Informational Technology Services (ITS), on June 17.

Norm Preissel, 88, of New Britain, Conn., the official scorer for men’s and women’s basketball games for 20 years, on June 14.