Diane Burgess Wins David J. W. Grant Distinguished Scholar in Basic Pharmaceutics Award

Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor of Pharmaceutics and Pfizer Distinguished Endowed Chair in Pharmaceutical Technology, Diane Burgess, is selected as the National Institute for Pharmaceutical Technology (NIPTE) 2024 David J. W. Grant Distinguished Scholar in Basic Pharmaceutics.

The David J. W. Grant Distinguished Scholar Award is the highest recognition awarded by the National Institute for Pharmaceutical Technology (NIPTE) and Education. The award is given annually for outstanding scientific achievements in the relevant areas of pharmaceutical science and technology.

In the last 30 years that Burgess has been with UConn School of Pharmacy, she has dedicated her research career towards exploring the formulation science, drug delivery and manufacturing science of complex parenterals. Her work has specifically investigated the use of microspheres, nanoparticles, liposomes, emulsions, and hydrogels in drug delivery systems; the formulation of biocompatible coatings on implantable insulin delivery devices and biosensors to prevent foreign body reactions; and the development of a continuous manufacturing platform for complex parenterals.

Burgess has made extraordinary contributions to the field of pharmaceutics throughout her career. With nearly $30 million in total research funding, Burgess has achieved nearly 300 publications and over 1000 total presentations. Her research has led to 10 U.S. patents relating to drug delivery systems, biological implant formulations, and biopharmaceutical manufacturing processes. Burgess is a fellow of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), Controlled Release Society (CRS), Academy of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology (APSTJ), American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE), and the National Academy of Inventors. In 2019 Burgess founded DIANT Pharma, a company designed to streamline the process of nanoparticle continuous processing systems and manufacturing for pharmaceutical research and development teams. In addition to the NIPTE Distinguished Scholar Award, she has been recognized with numerous awards for her contributions to pharmaceutical research, such as the AAPS Research Achievement Award in Formulation Design and Development in 2014 and the AAPS Dale E. Wurster Award for Excellence in Pharmaceutics Research in 2018.

As a professor at the UConn School of Pharmacy, Burgess has made monumental impacts to both the school and her students throughout the years. In both 1992 and 2005, Burgess received the UConn Outstanding Teacher of the Year award, and in 2014 was recognized with the AAPS Outstanding Educator Award in Pharmaceutical Technology. She has mentored upwards of 200 students throughout her career, paving the way for her receipt of the 2023 AAPS Alice E. Till Advancement of Women in Pharmaceutical Sciences Award and the 2023 UConn American Association of University Professors (AAUP) Edward C. Marth Mentorship Award.

“Throughout her illustrious career, Dr. Burgess has fostered a nurturing, inclusive, and diverse research and training environment that has empowered numerous junior scientists to flourish and achieve success,” says UConn School of Pharmacy dean, Philip Hritcko. “Under her guidance, her students not only excel in their research pursuits but also hone invaluable leadership skills.”

In addition to this award, Burgess will deliver a keynote address at the David J. W. Grant Symposium in June 2025 and at the Annual NIPTE Research Conference on December 2-4, 2024.