Professor Tania N. Valdez, a George Washington University Law School faculty member and an attorney who has represented immigrants for more than a decade, will speak about “Immigration Law and the New Presidential Administration’’ next month.
Her March 11 virtual presentation is part of the School of Business’ Equity Now speaker series and it will be livestreamed at 6 p.m. Students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends of the university are welcome to participate.
“Our nation’s focus on immigration enforcement has increased in the last few decades, and although I’m not sure I would have predicted it being this dramatic, it has all been leading to this moment,’’ Valdez said.
More Immigrants Moving to America in Last 60 Years

For decades, the U.S. has welcomed more immigrants than any other country, and is currently home to approximately one-fifth of the world’s international immigrants, according to the Pew Research Center. The U.S. foreign-born population reached more than 47 million in 2023, composing about 14 percent of the total population. In contrast, in 1970, the immigrant population was about 4.7 percent of the total population. According to 2022 records, the largest population of U.S. immigrants were from Mexico, India, China, the Philippines, and El Salvador.
While the Biden Administration had a more immigrant-friendly policy, President Trump campaigned on a platform of immigration reform and deportation. Since taking office in January, he has essentially shut down the American asylum system, empowered ICE agents to make sweeping arrests, and assigned the Pentagon to assist with border enforcement.
Birthright Citizenship, ICE Enforcement, and Business Impact
Valdez will examine myths and truths about immigration policy, explore current events relating to immigration, including birthright citizenship, and identify the consequences of an aggressive immigration policy on individuals, businesses, and the American economy.
One of the topics that Valdez is passionate about is birthright citizenship, a constitutional right that guarantees that most people born in the United States automatically become U.S. citizens, regardless of their parents’ country of origin. A recent executive order by the Trump administration attempts to repeal that policy. Valdez will address the constitutionality of that order and the likely effects it will produce.
She will also speak about mass deportation and detention. Her research highlights the inadequacies of protections for noncitizens in removal proceedings, particularly in the current era of aggressive immigration enforcement.
“We’ve all heard about ICE enforcement and raids, and I’d like to talk about what it means for the immigration system as a whole and what rights and protections are afforded to immigrants through proceedings,’’ she said. “In the last month, there has been a ratcheting up of public displays of immigration enforcement and widespread fear about raids. By March 11, we will probably know more about the extent to which it’s actually happening.’’
Valdez also hopes to address the impact of immigration enforcement on business, such as agriculture. “To date we’ve seen masses of people not showing up for work because they are afraid,’’ she said. “We have crops rotting in the fields. Agriculture did not have enough workers to begin with, and now it is far, far worse.’’
The Equity Now Speaker Series is produced by the UConn School of Business in coordination with the Academy of Legal Studies in Business, Virginia Tech, Indiana University, and Temple University. This is the third of five programs during the 2024-25 academic year. To register for the program, please visit our Webex registration link