Hernandez brings to the board expertise in systematic review methodology, cardiovascular diseases, collaborative work with researchers from South America and prior work within Cochrane. He is an expert in systematic reviews and meta-analyses and has been working for several years in the former Cochrane Heart Group as author, peer reviewer and editor. He performs collaborative work with researchers from several countries and languages, especially Peru and Brazil.

Cardiovascular disease is one of the 12 broad topic areas of importance identified by Cochrane and the World Health Organization (WHO). Cochrane has brought together the four former Cochrane groups – Cochrane Heart, Cochrane Hypertension, Cochrane Stroke, and Cochrane Vascular – into a single Thematic Group. This group is led by Professor Gillian Mead of the University of Edinburgh, UK. It shares collective expertise and knowledge and ensures that evidence synthesis in cardiovascular disease reflects the multimorbidity paradigm, the large global burden of vascular disease (including in developing countries), and the continuous development of interventions and diagnostic tests for these conditions.
Professor Hernandez’s work on the board will help map existing reviews and identify areas of overlap of interventions and cardiovascular diseases, identify high priority reviews and updates, provide topic, content and editorial expertise to the Cochrane central team, and create a dissemination strategy of updated and new reviews within the Group.
C. Michael White, Pharm.D., FCP, FCCP, FASHP, Distinguished Professor and Chair of Pharmacy Practice, noted, “Cochrane is the major international body behind systematic reviews and it is wonderful that they recognized the expertise that Dr. Hernandez brings. From his stellar publication record and international presentations on cardiovascular diseases, to his high-quality reviewing for cardiovascular journals across the globe, I am sure he will provide tremendous value to the organization.”