Turfgrass Field Day brings together researchers, industry professionals

By Jason Sheldon. A clear, breezy morning on freshly watered grass, thanks to a rainstorm the afternoon before, marked an auspicious opening for the fifth biennial Turfgrass Field Day. The event was held Tuesday, July 19, at the Plant Science Research and Teaching Facility. Hosted by the Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture (PSLA), […]

Dr. Jason Henderson discussing results of organic turfgrass management programs.

Dr. Jason Henderson discussing results of organic turfgrass management programs.

By Jason Sheldon.

A clear, breezy morning on freshly watered grass, thanks to a rainstorm the afternoon before, marked an auspicious opening for the fifth biennial Turfgrass Field Day. The event was held Tuesday, July 19, at the Plant Science Research and Teaching Facility. Hosted by the Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture (PSLA), the Field Day is an opportunity for UConn researchers to present their latest findings and make recommendations for best practices to professionals in the turfgrass industry. Topics addressed included golf and athletic field management, lawn care, fertility and nutrient management, soil science and pest control. The date was chosen to allow observation of research plots during the height of summer, when they endure the most stress from heat and sunlight exposure.

The daylong event featured nearly fifty exhibitors, three workshops and a walking tour of ten research plots. Exhibitors represented a wide range of organizations and businesses offering turfgrass products and services, including irrigation devices, lawn care equipment, seeds, fertilizers and pesticides. The Field Day allows UConn researchers to engage directly with turfgrass professionals to address challenges and concerns from stakeholders, learning what pressing issues the industry faces.

Read the full article at Naturally@UConn.