Tina Encarnacion
Author Archive
Embracing Technology to Advance Dental Science
Dean’s Corner One of the gems of our institution is the Dental Clinical Research Center (DCRC), housed in recently renovated space on the main floor. About 25 percent of our full-time faculty are involved in open clinical trials. This type of research has been and promises to continue to be instrumental in the advancement of […]
March 22, 2011 | R. Lamont MacNeil, D.D.S., M.Dent.Sc. Dean, School of Dental Medicine
Join the Million Challenge – Take a Diabetes Risk Test
Did you know that every 17 seconds someone is diagnosed with diabetes? That’s more than 5,200 individuals every day. Could you be next? On the American Diabetes Association Alert Day on Tuesday, March 22, the ADA is asking individuals to “wake-up” and find out if they are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes. The […]
March 18, 2011 | Chris Kaminski
It May Be March, but a Nutritious Pregnancy Diet Shouldn’t Force You into Madness
This is a blog submitted by Health Center Genetic Counselor Sharon Voyer Lavigne, Coordinator of the Connecticut Pregnancy Exposure Information Service. We have all heard this before from our mothers and grandmothers before them, but here it is again, “what we put into our bodies really affects our health and well-being.” What better time to delve […]
March 11, 2011 | Tina Encarnacion, and Tina Encarnacion
Janine Gelineau – Not “Just a Photographer”
Even among the most seasoned of photographers, few have presumably ever pointed their cameras at a cadaver, snapped shots of doctors working behind the closed doors of an operating room, or fulfilled personal requests from ailing patients to capture their final portrait for posterity. Yet in the 25 years that Janine Gelineau has worked at […]
March 8, 2011 | Stefanie Dion-Jones
A Half-Century of Service
This story is the first of a multi-part series on the history of the Health Center. The entire series can be read at the Health Center’s 50th Anniversary website. Many people now living in Connecticut probably don’t remember a time when the University of Connecticut Health Center didn’t exist. We’re used to seeing that distinctive building […]
March 4, 2011 | Noreen Kirk
Medical Student Recounts Experience as AMSA Health Justice Fellow
Like a fine wine, the journey of becoming a physician should be savored. That was my view when, during my third year of medical school, I decided to try something unconventional—risky, even. Leaving UConn for Washington, D.C., I would spend a year exploring. Serving as the health justice fellow of the American Medical Student Association […]
February 22, 2011 | Dan Henderson, '12 (SOM)