Colin Poitras

Author Archive

A pharmacist prepares to grind up a potion from unidentified pills the old-fashioned way. (AP Photo/Ruben Goldberg, via The Conversation)

Op-ed: Why Amazon Should Keep Prescription Drugs Off its Voluminous Shelves

A UConn pharmacy professor suggests that Amazon’s proposal to dispense prescription drugs could lead to serious medication-related errors and even deaths, and adversely affect the environment.

An e-cigarette smoker. (Getty Images/Martina Paraninfi)

E-cigarettes ‘Potentially as Harmful as Tobacco Cigarettes’

UConn chemists’ novel device quickly detects carcinogenic chemicals and DNA damage from e-cigarette vapor.

Mother Jones

People Who Were “Fat Shamed” as Kids Are More Likely to Be Obese as Adults

The Atlantic

The Making of a Friendly Microbe


Battery-free implantable medical device draws energy directly from human body

Health News Digest

A Better View of How Tumors Form in the Eye

New Guidelines Say No to Most ‘Keyhole’ Knee Surgeries

Green Car Reports

Ruling that EPA must regulate carbon emissions: now 10 years old

A couple walking. (Sam Edwards, Caiaimage via Getty Images)

Lifting Spirits Doesn’t Require Many Reps

You will get the best "bang for your buck" with light- or moderate-intensity physical activity, according to a new UConn study.

Science Newsline

The Veins in Your Brain Don’t All Act the Same