Ira Morrison

Author Archive

Stephany Santos

Engineering Future Success, One Student at a Time

Stephany Santos, named to the newly established Vergnano Endowed Chair for Inclusion, sees her role as helping students build successful engineering futures, no matter the challenges

Qian Yang, Jeanine Armstrong Gouin, Anna Tarakanova and Stephany Santos

UConn Trustee Creates Breakthrough Women’s Leadership Initiative

Gift catalyzes support for women in engineering leadership roles long overlooked

Matthew Mashikian

UConn Entrepreneur’s $1 Million Gift to Launch New Student Entrepreneurs

The gift will build on the existing UConn Entrepreneurship Hub (eHub)

Mohammad Madani studies proteins on a computer.

New Models Help Predict Protein Dynamic Signatures

This breakthrough in accurately predicting protein crystallization propensity is vital for developing drugs and understanding diseases

Usama Sheikh in a laboratory.

Technology Entrepreneurship: Waste Not, Want Not

Innovative brothers create wastewater reprocessing system to help address their native country’s environmental crisis, conserving water and repurposing it for various applications

Dr. Rory McGloin

Engineering Strong Teams Through Communication and Personal Growth

The Excellence in Engineering Communication Program is helping engineering professionals strengthen their communication and leadership skills and build stronger teams

UConn College of Engineering Graduate Programs Ranked Nationally

Rankings continue to be an important measurement of a program’s success and competitiveness, and a significant asset in attracting top faculty and new students

CoE students at the rededication of the Pratt & Whitney Engineering Building, held in April

Discovering and Developing Hidden Engineering Talent

Governor’s Workforce Partnership Awards recognize business, education, community-based organizations, and the public sector who are working together to expand Connecticut’s workforce

Ph.D. candidate Kangkang Zhang (above) was awarded a $25,000 dollar Fellowship by the Deloitte Foundation. She is one of only 10 scholars who were honored nationwide. (Contributed Photo)

Accounting Ph.D. Candidate Kangkang Zhang Receives Deloitte Foundation Fellowship

The Deloitte Foundation recently awarded a $25,000 Fellowship to Zhang. The honor is presented annually to just 10 top accounting doctoral students across the country who plan to pursue academic careers upon graduation. Doctoral students from more than 100 universities are invited to apply for the fellowship, which is awarded by a committee of top accounting educators.

UConn School of Dental Medicine Welcomes New Faculty

The UConn School of Dental Medicine has enjoyed robust growth, adding seven new faculty members to its ranks over the past few months.