University News

The oak leaf seal of the University of Connecticut.

A Letter from Interim President Radenka Maric Addressing Sexual Violence

The health, safety, and well-being of all students is our highest priority

Dr. Pamir Alpay discussing technology within IPB Building on UConn campus

Pamir Alpay Named Interim Vice President for Research, Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Interim President Radenka Maric appoints Pamir Alpay to serve as interim Vice President for Research, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship at UConn.

UConn Alert logo.

UConn to Test Campus Emergency Systems on Tuesday

UConn will conduct its Spring 2022 emergency alert system test on February 8

Gateway UConn sign surrounded by snow

Robust Testing Strategy Helps UConn Welcome Back Healthy, Enthusiastic Students

More than 10,000 students are now in Storrs residence halls, along with about 400 Stamford residential students and thousands of commuter students at those campuses and in Hartford, Waterbury, and Avery Point

UConn Waterbury, where the Promise Scholars partnership was announced Jan. 5.

Angela Brightly Appointed Interim Director of UConn Waterbury

Brightly started her career at UConn in 1987 and has served as associate campus director for Waterbury since 1999

Dr. Bruce T. Liang Named Interim CEO of UConn Health

'I hope to fulfill the great potential and promise of UConn Health,' says Liang, who begins his role Feb. 1

Radenka Maric, UConn's 17th President.

Radenka Maric Named UConn’s Interim President

'UConn strives to be the place where all students will have equal opportunities and be fully prepared for their life journey upon graduation'

The value of UConn’s research in driving economic development and transforming lives was highlighted Friday in an event led by the National Science Foundation, which supports many of the University’s most critical projects through significant grant funding.

Five From UConn Named Fellows By AAAS

The AAAS is the world’s largest general scientific society

As UConn's 141st year dawns, the entire University community is ready for the challenges of the future. (Sean Flynn/UConn Photo)

UConn Entering Spring Semester with Increased Entry Testing, Other Precautions

'Our cautious start has allowed UConn the ability to successfully reopen and welcome our students back'

Incoming Interim UConn President Radenka Maric in her lab with graduate research assistant Alanna Gado, left, and Ph.D. student Jiale Xing (Peter Morenus / UConn Photo).

Getting to Know Incoming UConn Interim President Radenka Maric: ‘For Me, The Students Are Everything’

Maric brings experience in mentoring, private industry, and international scholarship to new role