School of Pharmacy

Prescription Medications

Who is Keeping Track of All Those Pills?

UConn pharmacy faculty are working at the state level to address the problem of patients taking multiple medications for different conditions with little coordination.

Asthma inhaler and a pressurised gas cannister refill. (Getty Image)

New Study Identifies Effective Treatments for Persistent Asthma

UConn-led study in the Journal of the American Medical Association finds using a single steroid-bronchodilator treatment for both persistent asthma control and rescue relief resulted in fewer asthma attacks.

Meet the Researcher: Diane Burgess, School of Pharmacy

Take a peek inside her labs and learn more about Diane Burgess' accomplishments as a globally recognized researcher, experienced collaborator, and dedicated educator. Burgess doesn’t have one lab in the UConn School of Pharmacy—she has four.

Diane Burgess UConn researcher

Meet the Researcher: Diane Burgess, Pharmaceutical Sciences

Diane Burgess, PhD, is one of the most active researchers in UConn’s School of Pharmacy. Take a peek inside her labs and learn more about her accomplishments as a globally recognized researcher, experienced collaborator, and dedicated educator. Burgess doesn’t have one lab in the UConn School of Pharmacy—she has four. The space she has been […]

Prescription Medications

Who is Keeping Track of All Those Pills?

It is not unusual for patients to become confused by the number of different medications they are prescribed. UConn School of Pharmacy faculty members are working to solve that problem.

Michael Pikal, professor and department head of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

In Memoriam Michael J. Pikal

Emeritus Professor and former Department Head of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Dr. Michael J. Pikal, passed away on Monday, Feb. 26, 2018. He had been at the University of Connecticut, School of Pharmacy since 1996, retiring from his position at the University in December 2017. Pikal received his B.S. in Chemistry from St. John’s University in Minnesota and […]

Preceptors of the Year Slide

Preceptors Honored for Contributions to Student Learning

Five honored for their contribution the educational experience of students in the School of Pharmacy.

Naloxone training

UConn Alum Daniel Ventricelli Honored for Raising Awareness of Rx Drug Abuse

Daniel Ventricelli '13 (Pharm.D.) receives Champion's Award for his work to raise awareness of prescription drug abuse.

Alzheimer's caregiver with elderly father. (iStock/UConn Photo)

New Grant to Study Harms and Effectiveness of Medications in Older Adults with Depression

Two pharmacy practice professors have been awarded $380,000 to assemble and work with a diverse panel of experts to study the treatment of depression for older adults.

Tyler Ackley '19 (Pharm.D.) named 2018 University Scholar

Tyler Ackley ’19 (Pharm.D.) Named 2018 University Scholar

The School of Pharmacy's newest University Scholar is Tyler Ackley '19 (Pharm.D.) whose impressive record of research and academics earned him this prestigious honor.