Rudd Center
Taking On Stigmatization and Body-Shaming in the Media
Rebecca Puhl of the UConn Rudd Center was a panelist along with national media figures to discuss the ways in which body weight and obesity are covered and portrayed in the press
December 12, 2023 | Carson Hardee, UConn Rudd Center
Federal Nutrition Assistance for Young Children: Under-utilized and Unequally Accessed
Only 3 out of 5 licensed childcare centers in low-income areas participate in CACFP, despite great needs in the community
November 7, 2023 | Carson Hardee, UConn Rudd Center
Disclosing Product Ingredients on Children’s Drink Packages Helps Correct Misperceptions About Ingredients
Requiring companies to indicate added sugar, diet sweeteners and percent juice on the front of children’s fruit-flavored drinks may reduce children’s sweetened fruit drink consumption
November 1, 2023 | Carson Hardee, UConn Rudd Center
UConn Researchers Awarded $1 Million to Research COVID-19’s Impact on Children’s Health
The research will support optimal infant feeding and health practices among Connecticut parents
August 18, 2023 | Carson Hardee, UConn Rudd Center
UConn Faculty Awarded $2M in Federal Funding to Support School Wellness in CT
'I’m very proud of the work we have been collectively doing at UConn to support the whole child'
June 16, 2023 | Carson Hardee, UConn Rudd Center
Short Videos Countering Misleading Marketing of Children’s Sugary Drinks Reduce Parents’ Intentions to Serve
Messages resonated with a wide audience of parents in all racial and ethnic groups
June 15, 2023 | Carson Hardee, UConn Rudd Center
Study Provides Insight on Mobile Food Pantries, Charitable Food System
A UConn research team looked at how mobile food pantries help address food insecurity for families with children during the pandemic and beyond
December 13, 2022 | Anna Zarra Aldrich, College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources
For Adolescents, Word Choice Matters When Talking About Body Weight
'Body weight is a sensitive topic for many youth, and the way that parents talk about it can have an emotional impact'
December 2, 2022 | Carson Hardee, UConn Rudd Center
New Study Shows Unhealthy Food Advertising Continues to Disproportionately Target Consumers of Color
Candy, sugary drinks, snacks, and cereal made up 73% of food and beverage ad spending on Black-targeted and Spanish-language TV in 2021
November 16, 2022 | Carson Hardee, UConn Rudd Center
Rudd Center: Campaign in Maryland Led to 30% Drop in Soda Sales; Sales of Other Sugary Drinks Also Fell
'One of the most sustained and comprehensive community led efforts to decrease sugary drink consumption in the country'
August 9, 2022 | Combined Reports