Jacqueline Loss, Ph.D. University of Connecticut

Jacqueline Loss, Ph.D.

Professor of Latin American Literature and Culture

  • Oak Hall Oak 244
  • Director of Graduate Studies

Professor Loss is an internationally published researcher and lecturer.

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Professor Loss is an internationally published researcher and lecturer. She is the author of two books and dozens of articles and book chapters and a co-editor of a volume of essays and another volume of short stories.

Among the writers she has translated into English are Víctor Fowler Calzada, Antonio Álvarez Gil, Ernesto René Rodríguez, Jorge Miralles, Anna Lidia Vega Serova, and Armando Suárez Cobián. Her critical essays have appeared inNepantla:Views from South, Miradas (Escuela Internacional de Cine y Televisión de San Antonio de los Baños),Chasqui, Latino and Latina Writers, Mandorla, and New Centennial Review, among other publications.

Areas of Expertise

Latin American Literary Studies
Cultural Studies
Comparative Approaches


University of Texas - Austin


Comparative Literature


University of Texas - Austin


Comparative Literature


Boston University


Hispanic and Continental European Literature





Media Appearances

Cubans Say ‘Nyet’ to Russian, Hoping to Learn English

Wall Street Journal  online


Cuba’s Museum of the Revolution defiantly jabs at former U.S. President Ronald Reagan with a mural of a cartoon cowboy and sign saying: “Thanks you cretin for h lped us TO STRENGTHEN THE REVOLUTION...”

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Arlington Cemetery, Nearly Full, May Become More Exclusive

The New York Times  online


Cubans Say 'Nyet' to Russian, Hoping to Learn English Wall Street Journal, Nov 20, 2015

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Miami’s Soviet time machine gives Cuban expats a nostalgia fix

PRI  online


It wasn’t as if canned meat was something Cubans necessarily cherished, Loss said. But when times got extremely tough in the early 1990s — when the Soviet Union no longer served as Cuba’s economic lifeline — those Soviet-era products, however bland, were missed by some Cubans...

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Do Cubans still dream in Russian?

The Conversation

2015 The new era of relations between Cuba and the United States is not yet four months old but it has already witnessed an extraordinarily eclectic range of public moments and not all of them positive. Tania Bruguera, an internationally renowned Cuban performance artist was detained in Havana before she was to “perform” free speech. President Raúl Castro demanded Guantánamo be returned to Cuba, before furthering diplomatic relations.

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