CAHNR provides many undergrad research opportunities

Various CAHNR students and faculty advisors/mentors are involved in undergraduate research projects. According to Associate Dean for Academic Programs Sandra Bushmich, undergraduates follow several avenues of exposure to research science.

poster presentation

Undergraduate student Peter Apicella stands by the research poster he created with Jacob Griffith Gardner.

Various CAHNR students and faculty advisors/mentors are involved in undergraduate research projects. According to Associate Dean for Academic Programs Sandra Bushmich, undergraduates follow several avenues of exposure to research science. Some examples include students who do research for academic credit, through internship programs and as part of employment in a laboratory.

Recent undergraduate research events highlighted the work or proposals of those who were receiving an IDEA grant, presenting a Frontiers research poster or obtaining a SURF award. In addition, two students received travel funds to present their research findings at meetings. The UConn Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) hosts the award events.

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