The UConn Health Center Auxiliary is holding a night of food and drink, music and dance, and a silent auction to help support one of its major programs.
The second annual Harvest Moon Party will be Friday, Oct. 21, from 6 to 11 p.m. at the Farmington Woods Clubhouse near the Farmington-Avon line.
Tickets are $70 per person, half of it tax-deductible. Proceeds go to The Family Place, an extended stay suite reserved for parents, at the Auxiliary’s expense, while their infants are in the care of the Connecticut Children’s NICU at UConn Health Center. The Family Place is a two-bedroom suite at the Homewood Suites in Farmington, about a half mile from the UConn Health Center. The Auxiliary is in its fourth year funding the program. Among those who’ve called The Family Place home over the last year are Erin and Chris Louis of State College, Pa., who agreed to share their story on video.

“We hope you can join us; it’s a wonderful time for a worthy cause,” says Auxiliary Facilitator Irene Engel. “The menu will be western style, and dress is casual. Be sure to wear your jeans!”
Music will be provided by the Colbys, a regional R&B/jazz-influenced band.
Tickets are available through the Connucopia Gift Shop or by calling 860-679-2963.
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