On Saturday, Oct. 15, 44 students from the UConn School of Dental Medicine will be running in the events of the ING Hartford Marathon. They are raising money to benefit the Give Back a Smile program.
The organization is part of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry Charitable Foundations (AACDCF) and heals some of the most devastating effects of intimate partner violence by restoring the smiles of adult women and men who have suffered damage to, or lost, their smiles at the hands of a former intimate partner or spouse. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, it is estimated that 1.5 million people experience intimate partner violence each year.
“I think this is a really wonderful organization and we are very excited about taking on this service project,” says Ashley Phares, third-year dental student.
“Not only is participating in the marathon a good way for us to connect with our community, but it is also a way to inspire hope by raising funds and awareness to help abused victims,” says third-year dental student Alyssa McIntyre.

The students are part of UConn’s chapter of the American Student Dental Association (ASDA). Fourth-year dental student Brittany Sonnichsen will be running in the Marathon again this year. “The group has gotten bigger and bigger every year. It’s a great experience for me and my classmates to achieve something like this together. Every year we train together, raise money together and help support a great dental cause together.”
The Give Back a Smile program began in 1999. Since then, AACD member dentists, dental laboratories, and other dental professionals have volunteered their time and expertise pro bono, to restore the damaged smiles of more than 1,100 survivors of intimate partner violence for a total dollar value of more than $10 million.
A $200 donation will make it possible for one survivor of domestic violence to regain her smile. Their goal is to raise $2,000 to restore 10 smiles.
“We hope you’ll consider supporting our students and donating to help us give back these stolen smiles,” says McIntyre .
For more information or to make a donation visit: http://www.connasda.org/service/
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