The South Park 5K Road Race and Fitness Walk returns for its 15th year Saturday, September 15, on the UConn Health Center campus.
Registration is at 7 a.m., and the race starts at 9 near the Dowling North building. It is open to anyone in the community. Music and refreshments will be provided.
Once again this year, UConn Health Center dermatologists will provide free skin cancer screenings from 8 to 11 a.m. on the third floor of Dowling North.
Proceeds from the $20 registration fee will benefit the UConn School of Medicine Outreach Clinic at the South Park Inn, which provides free primary care medical services to the transient residents of the South Park Inn Shelter in Hartford. The free clinic is run by medical students and local physician volunteers.
For more information about the race, email Stephanie Davis at stdavis@student.uchc.edu. Online registration is available at http://bit.ly/12SP5K.
For more information about the skin cancer screenings, email Radhika Nakrani at rnakrani@student.uchc.edu.
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