Tierney Giannotti a CDC ‘Act Early Ambassador’

Tierney Giannotti, associate director of the A.J. Pappanikou Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, once again has been chosen to serve as an ambassador for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s “Learn the Signs. Act Early” program.
CDC says the Act Early Ambassador project is designed to develop a network of state-level experts to improve early identification of developmental delay and disability.
Giannotti is working with parents, health care professionals and early educators to educate them about early childhood development, warning signs of autism and other developmental disabilities, and the importance of acting early on concerns about a child’s development.
Stowe Library Selected for National Program

The Health Center’s Lyman Maynard Stowe Library has been selected to participate in the new Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) program “Assessment in Action: Academic Libraries and Student Success,” made possible by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
The library was chosen because of the quality of its project goals and personal goals of Kathleen Crea, the team leader, in conjunction with evidence of strong institutional support. An important component of the program is to establish a learning community where librarians have the freedom to connect, risk, and learn together.
Bruce Strober Profiled in Plastic Surgery Magazine

Dr. Bruce Strober, vice chair of the Department of Dermatology, is featured in the March issue of Plastic Surgery Practice.
Strober is what is colloquially known as a bread-and-butter medical dermatologist. “I went to medical school to treat patients with diseases, and I always felt that this was in line with my temperament and interests,” he says.
Read the entire article:
Mark Metersky Recognized by Lung Assocation

Dr. Mark Metersky, medical director of the UConn Center for Bronchiectasis Care, is being honored by the American Lung Association with the “Connecticut Pulmonary Section Award.” The award recognizes Metersky for his dedication and service to the Connecticut Pulmonary Section and the field of pulmonary medicine. Metersky will receive the award during the Lung Associations April 12 gala.
PAWS Award Winners
Know Better Place is pleased to announce April PAWS award recipients – employees who consistently perform above and beyond the expectations of their job and exhibit the following attributes:
Part of a team • Awesome attitude • Wonderful work ethic • Superior Service.
- Kathleen Barry – Clinical Laboratory
- Darlene Benson – Clinical Laboratory
- Brian Bracci – CMHC – MacDougall/Walker – MH
- Dr. Joseph Coleman – CMHC – MacDougall/Walker – MH
- Michael Contakis – Finance
- Sean Cronin – Partial Hospital Program
- Terese Donovan – Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
- Rosa Estrocio-Austin – Health Information Management
- Debbi Gaity – Operating Room Unit
- David Kibe – CMHC – Robinson – Medicine
- Marylou Kramer – Core Laboratory
- Maryann Luciano – Finance
- Mulka Mehovic – Core Laboratory
- Maria Teresa Restrepo-Ruiz – Core Laboratory
- Katherine Rudolewicz – UMG – UP Patient Accounts
- Maria Scarfone – Core Laboratory
- Joan Seguin – CMHC – MacDougall/Walker Admin
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