The American Medical Association’s “Miles for Healthier Lifestyles” bicycle relay is approaching, and the UConn AMA chapter is taking the idea and walking with it.
“We’re modifying the one-day event and making it a walking challenge between students and faculty,” says first-year medical student Ela Banerjee, the UConn School of Medicine AMA community service committee chair. “We’re challenging them to walk a minimum of 10,000 steps per day, or 70,000 steps during the entire week.”
The week runs from April 22-28. To keep track of their steps, participants can pick up pedometers in the academic lobby April 17-19 from noon to 1 p.m. Those who meet the 70,000-step goal enter a raffle drawing. The top two prizes for students are a local gym membership and a coveted parking space in Lot D. Faculty members are eligible for one of three Whole Foods gift certificates. The 10 participants with the most steps walked for the week win a gift bag.
In addition to faculty, UConn Health Center medical, dental, and Ph.D. students are eligible for the challenge, as are master’s degree candidates.
“The idea is to show our future patients we practice what we preach,” Banerjee says.
Online registration is available at http://fitsweb.uchc.edu/student/test/mhl.html. For more information, email ebanerjee@student.uchc.edu.
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