Health Center in the News – July 2013

Health Center experts are interviewed about skin cancer, a stomach bug, hypertension, medical marijuana, Alzheimer’s, and more.

Health Center in the News

Health Center in the News

Fast Forward: Para-athlete Brett Sloan Is More Active Than Ever

Simsbury Life, Aug. 1, 2013

After losing a leg, UConn Health Center dermatologist and para-athlete Brett Sloan is more active than ever, and intends to stay that way.

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Dr. Philip Kerr
Dr. Philip Kerr

Skin Cancer Awareness and Prevention

WDRC-AM & FM, WWCO-AM, WMMW-AM, WSNG-AM, July 28, 2013

Dr. Philip Kerr, UConn Health Center dermatologist, joins “Your Town” with Jerry Kristafer to discuss skin cancer and how to protect yourself in the summer sun.

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Dr. Rebecca Andrews
Dr. Rebecca Andrews

Update on Cyclosporiasis (Stomach Bug)

WDRC-AM, July 25, 2013
Dr. Rebecca Andrews, UConn Health Center primary care physician, joins “The Mary Jones Show” on The Talk of Connecticut to discuss the recent outbreak of the parasitic infection cyclosporiasis.

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Dr. Meryem Tuncel-Kara
Dr. Meryem Tuncel-Kara

Managing Hypertension

NBC Connecticut, July 22, 2013

Dr. Meryem Tuncel-Kara, a hypertension expert at the UConn Health Center, talks about a “silent killer” – high blood pressure – that impacts millions of people and can be very difficult to control. But there are things you can do – lifestyle changes – that can help prevent hypertension.

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Dr. Carolyn Drazinic
Dr. Carolyn Drazinic

Individuals with PTSD Top List of Those Registered for Medical Marijuana

CT News Junkie, July 22, 2013

Dr. Carolyn Drazinic, assistant professor at the UConn School of Medicine’s Department of Psychiatry and president of the Connecticut Psychiatric Society, said many psychiatrists in the state were surprised that the disorder was added to the list of ailments that qualify someone to use medical marijuana.

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Dr. David C. Steffens
Dr. David C. Steffens

Alzheimer’s Care and the ‘Secondary Patient’

Hartford Courant, July 16, 2013

Dr. David C. Steffens, chair of the psychiatry department at the University of Connecticut, said it’s not just the amount of care that Alzheimer’s patients need but the nature of the disease itself that brings so much stress to caregivers.

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