Once again this year, the UConn Health Center is taking part in National Prescription Drug Take Back Day by holding a free drive-thru collection Saturday, Oct. 26, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the academic entrance of the main building.
Medication in many different forms will be accepted, no questions asked:
- Prescription drugs that have expired or are no longer needed
- Over-the-counter drugs that have expired or are no longer needed
- Medications from deceased family members
- Veterinary medicines
- Ointments and creams
- Inhalers
- Vitamins and supplements
- Unknown tablets or capsules
Needles, medical waste or thermometers will not be accepted.
Whenever possible, medications should be in their original container. Personal information on the label should be crossed out with a permanent marker.
Greeters will perform a brief survey of non-identifiable information for academic purposes. More information is available at http://bit.ly/13takeback or by calling 860-679-7627.
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Collections are held across the country with the intention of keeping drugs out of the water supply and away from anyone other than their intended user.
Last year, UConn Health Center pharmacists, pharmacy students, nursing students, UConn staff and campus police collected 12,104 doses of controlled substances and 509 pounds of non-controlled substances for proper disposal.
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