Drew Wins National Cancer Research Award

David A. Drew, a fifth year Ph.D. candidate in Daniel W. Rosenberg’s laboratory in the Center for Molecular Medicine, has been selected as an American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)-GlaxoSmithKline Outstanding Clinical Scholar. The award recognizes “promising young cancer researchers who are the authors of outstanding proffered papers related to clinical research.”
Drew’s abstract entitled “Proximal human aberrant crypt foci as surrogate markers of colorectal cancer risk” was selected from over 2,000 applicants for this highly competitive award. Drew will present his work at the AACR Annual Meeting held April 5-9 in San Diego, Calif.
Jaffe Receives MERIT Award
Laurinda Jaffe, chair of the Department of Cell Biology, has received a MERIT award from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), providing 10 additional years of funding to support her research program. MERIT awards are very prestigious as recipients are selected by the NIH from among current NIH grant holders (versus an investigator initiated grant).
Laurencin Named Materials Research Society Fellow
Dr. Cato T. Laurencin has been named a Fellow of the Materials Research Society. He is the first physician-scientist to be an MRS Fellow and has now achieved Fellow status in three distinct engineering department areas (Chemical Engineering, (FAIChE) Biomedical Engineering, (FBMES) and Materials Science and Engineering (FMRS).
Neag Cancer Center Team Recognized

Congratulations to the Neag Comprehensive Cancer Center’s breast team who recently received a sponsorship plaque from the American Cancer Society. The award was presented by Caitlin Ouellette, the community events specialist with the American Cancer Society and the Making Strides Walk. This was UConn Health’s third year as Hartford’s flagship sponsor.
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