How has being at the UConn School of Medicine changed you?
The study of medicine will change anyone’s view on life and illness. My time at UConn has provided me with a deeper understanding of the human condition.
Was there a defining moment during your UConn career?
The real teachers in medical education are the patients. Each new patient encounter is a defining moment for me.
Where are you headed after graduation?
I will be moving to Boston for my Internal Medicine Residency at Tufts Medical Center.
What would you tell someone who is considering the UConn School of Medicine?
A career in medicine is challenging and tiring, but ultimately, rewarding. UConn will provide you with a strong clinical foundation second to none. I encourage prospective applicants to contact a UConn medical student who can give them advice and mentorship.
Write your memoir in six words.
Why six when five suffice?