Engineering The Perfect Bicycle

Students who take Prof. Matt Klucha’s course on bicycle design learn about the importance of creativity and simplicity in engineering. And here’s a nice bonus: They also end up with a bike made with their own hands, customized to their needs. “It’s very hard to define creativity,” Klucha says. “What I prefer to do is […]

A snowy winter view of the Student Union Mall, looking toward the Castleman Building. PHOTO BY PETER MORENUS 000126H15

Students who take Prof. Matt Klucha’s course on bicycle design learn about the importance of creativity and simplicity in engineering. And here’s a nice bonus: They also end up with a bike made with their own hands, customized to their needs.
“It’s very hard to define creativity,” Klucha says. “What I prefer to do is teach creativity through project-oriented design.”  

Here’s a video about Prof. Klucha’s class by UConn Engineering’s Chris LaRosa: