The Connecticut Institute for Clinical and Translational Science at the University of Connecticut, in partnership with the Connecticut Legislative Black & Puerto Rican Caucus and the W. Montague Cobb/NMA Health Institute, will host the National Health Disparities Elimination Summit at the UConn Health Farmington campus on Saturday, June 13, 2015. Titled ‘Keeping It Real: Real Solutions, Real Change,’ the Summit seeks to spearhead an important dialogue and generate actionable solutions to eliminate health disparities. Continuing Education Credits will be offered to all participants.
To register for this exciting and informative event, visit our website.
The Summit offers participants of all backgrounds a fresh perspective on the current research and understanding of health disparities. Consequently the target audience includes physicians; community-based organizations; private companies; local, state and national government agencies; and the community at large.

Dr. Cato T. Laurencin, Chief Executive Officer of CICATS, said “The National Health Disparities Elimination Summit will provide an opportunity for all stakeholders to learn from and engage with national champions in the fight to eliminate health disparities. A major goal of the Summit is to build on the collective knowledge of our speakers and presenters to foster a lasting network of collaborative partnerships among the attending researchers, physicians, students and community leaders.”
Dr. Louis W. Sullivan, Former U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, CEO and Chairman of The Sullivan Alliance, and President Emeritus of the Morehouse School of Medicine, will serve as the Summit’s keynote speaker. Dr. Sullivan and other distinguished speakers will share their expertise and insight into the causation of health disparities and avenues for change. As a result, a collaborative atmosphere will be created to define pathways to truly eliminate health.
“I commend the sponsors of this summit for bringing together national experts and health professionals from various disciplines to work on ‘real solutions’ to eliminate health disparities. This event is timely in that we have a window of opportunity to reduce health disparities through provisions in the Affordable Care Act, but we cannot stop with coverage. Eliminating barriers, such as navigating the complex health care system, must be addressed if we want people of color to experience quality health care,” said Pat Baker, President and CEO of the Connecticut Health Foundation and a speaker at the Summit, who is renowned for her nonprofit work in promoting initiatives to address health disparities in Connecticut.
Join us for a Welcome Reception at 5:30 p.m. on Friday, June 12, at the Hartford Marriott Downtown to welcome the Cobb Institute Senior Fellows. Refreshments will be served. On Saturday, June 13, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., the Summit Scientific Program features speakers on topics such as The Root Causes and Historical Perspective on Health Care Disparities and The State of African American and Latino Health in the context of the Affordable Care Act. A Networking Reception will be held on Saturday following the Summit, at 5:30 p.m. at the Hartford Marriott Downtown.
For further information about the National Health Disparities Elimination Summit at the University of Connecticut, visit our website or email or call Katherine Hayden at 860-679-7051.
About the Connecticut Institute for Clinical and Translational Science
Since 2009, CICATS has developed programs and services supporting the education, training and mentorship of the next generation of researchers in the academic pipeline of underrepresented minority scholars. CICATS strives to educate and nurture new, emerging and future scientists; increase the number of innovative clinical and translational research projects and move discoveries into the community quickly and effectively; work collaboratively with regional and national stakeholders to eliminate health disparities; and forge new partnerships with the aim to provide a platform for integration of services and initiatives. In partnership with the University of Connecticut, Connecticut state agencies, foundations and local and national community-based organizations, CICATS works collaboratively to realize new health discoveries through research, innovation and action.