Dental Class of 2019 Matches

Smiles abound at Dr. Sharon Gordon's first match as dean of the UConn School of Dental Medicine.

UConn dental students and Dean Sharon Gordon at match reception

Dr. Sharon Gordon, dean of the UConn School of Dental Medicine (third from left) celebrates the Class of 2019's match, her first match since joining UConn, with students (from left) Willan Jumbo, Sharon Vincenty-Flores, Xiaomu (Michelle) Guan, and Victoria Phu, and Dr. Flavio Uribe. (Photo by Dr. Sarita Arteaga)

Of the 40 members of the UConn School of Dental Medicine Class of 2019, 24 have been accepted into general dentistry residency programs and 13 have been accepted into specialty programs.

“It is wonderful to see so many students achieve their goals for the next step in their futures and to carry the tradition of having UConn School of Dental Medicine students match at their top choices,” says Dr. Sarita Arteaga, associate dean for students.

The matches were revealed Jan. 28 (unless otherwise indicated below):

  • 24 students are going into either an advanced education in general dentistry or general practice residency program.
  • 4 students are going into oral and maxillofacial surgery programs.
  • 4 students, orthodontics (revealed in November).
  • 2 students, prosthodontics (revealed in November).
  • 2 students, pediatric dentistry.
  • 1 student, endodontics.

Ten of these soon-to-be graduates are staying in Connecticut for their residency training, with four of them staying at UConn Health.

Earlier this week the school held a reception for its matching students, at which Dean Sharon Gordon told them, “The UConn School of Dental Medicine has a tradition of a high percentage of students matching to residency programs, reflecting the strong reputation of the school across the nation. That reputation is built by the caliber of you, our students, an outstanding faculty, and a robust curriculum.”

It was Gordon’s first match since joining UConn.

“My congratulations to you as you make plans to embark on the next steps in your professional education,” she told the students. “As you do so, also cherish the remainder of the time together with your colleagues and dedicated faculty in this special environment.”

Two students from the Class of 2019 are going directly into private practice.