It all comes down to this: a whole semester’s worth of lecture notes, group projects, lab work, and assigned reading, all distilled into the final exams that begin on Dec. 9 and run through Dec. 15. All across the University, an intense kind of quiet descends as classes cease along with casual activity, and students train their focus on notes, spreadsheets, books, and last projects. In a few days, winter break will arrive, and the pressure and exhilaration of final exams will be over – until the spring, that is. In these images from around campus at the end of the fall 2019 semester, our University photographers capture the dedication and determination of UConn students as they prepare for the last academic hurdle of the calendar year.
The Final(s) Countdown
A gallery of photos captures the focus and determination of UConn students as they study for final exams at spots across campus.

The Wilbur Cross South Reading Room, Homer Babbidge Library, even a laundry room: all are venues for the intense concentration of studying for finals. (Peter Morenus/UConn photo)