UConn dental students bring a hands-on Children's Dental Health Month presentation to prekindergartners at the Glastonbury Magnet School, part of a week of service during Black History Month.
UConn dental student Matthew Pazienza holds an interactive discussion with prekindergarteners about the importance of tooth brushing at the Glastonbury Magnet School. (Photo by Sarita Arteaga)
UConn dental and medical students are finishing a “week of service and socials” in the spirit of Black History Month. It started Monday at the Glastonbury Magnet School, where dental students gave an interactive presentation on Children’s Dental Health Month in a pre-K classroom.
UConn dental student Breanna Irizarry offers hands-on lessons on dental equipment and protective wear to prekindergarteners at the Glastonbury Magnet School. (Photo by Sarita Arteaga)
UConn dental students Christian Ayeni (foreground) and Alexandra McKenna engage prekindergartners in an interactive presentation on oral health at the Glastonbury Magnet School. (Photo by Sarita Arteaga)
UConn dental student Tyler Guido demonstrates an oral exam in a Glastonbury Magnet School pre-K classroom. (Photo by Sarita Arteaga)
UConn dental student Vipra Patel fits a pre-K student for a lab coat and safety glasses during a Children's Dental Health Month presentation at the Glastonbury Magnet School. (Photo by Sarita Arteaga)
Dr. Sarita Arteaga from the UConn School of Dental Medicine leads a dental health discussion in a Glastonbury Magnet School pre-K classroom. (Photo provided by Sarita Arteaga)
UConn dental student Flaviah Muchemi demonstrates an oral health exam on a prekindergartner at the Glastonbury Magnet School. (Photo by Sarita Arteaga)
UConn dental students Nicole Colon Cruz, Ryan Carrera, Tyler Guido, Matthew Pazienza, Chloe Broquet and Audrey Brigham visit with pre-K students at the Glastonbury Magnet School for a Children's Dental Health Month presentation. (Photo by Sarita Arteaga)
UConn dental student Matthew Pazienza holds an interactive discussion with prekindergarteners about the importance of tooth brushing at the Glastonbury Magnet School. (Photo by Sarita Arteaga)